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Building a Manufacturing and Engineering Community across Norfolk and Suffolk

Here For You

  • Why It Matters

    The manufacturing & engineering industry employs approximately 84,500 people at 7,238 businesses and contributes around £5.1bn in GVA to the regional economy per annum (up by 8.5% since 2010).

  • Game Changing Initiatives

    NAAME is the catalyst of numerous game-changing initiatives such as: Productivity East, the Digital Accelerator & the Talent Sharing Platform.

  • Making a Difference

    NAAME provides the leadership necessary to become one of the most innovative and agile manufacturing & engineering regional economies in the UK.

Benefits of NAAME membership

  • Knowledge Sharing

    Access peer-to-peer learning borne out of industry experience and the application of best practice in a workplace environment

  • Increasing Innovation

    Access pioneering research, programmes, support and information to assist your business with new product development or innovation

  • Forging Collaborations

    Explore new market opportunities and become part of a connected regional supply chain through connecting with other NAAME members

  • Workforce for Tomorrow

    Access to industry-specific education programmes for your employees that are bespoke-designed for NAAME members

  • Exclusive Opportunities

    Unlock affiliate membership to Make UK and access policy experts, events, offers and much more

  • Collective Strength

    Join us on our mission to raise the profile of the region, the industry and the competencies of the business that exist here, in order that we all jointly prosper

Manufacturing Groups

NAAME maintains a network of Manufacturing Groups covering all of Norfolk and Suffolk. These groups are free to attend and provide a forum of trust whereby like-minded individuals from manufacturing and engineering businesses can connect with each other to: exchange knowledge; explore new business ventures; access expertise to assist with new product development or innovation; as well as discuss and resolve industry challenges.

Join our growing network

Gain free access to our Manufacturing Groups, events, Member Connect forum, Talent Sharing Platform and Trade Directory when you become a member, along with regular newsletters and attendance at our exciting workshops. Also, unlock affiliate membership perks to Make UK

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Need help?

Contact us on to find out more about NAAME, our Talent Sharing Platform or Manufacturing Groups.